A space to clear your path, remove obstacles, bring light into your life & tune to the frequency of your Soul.
This MASTERCLASS and Healing Circle is a powerful space to support you in a space of transformation.
Whether you are amidst big changes, trying to create those shifts in your world, or are simply headed into the unknown... this space is to assist you in clearing any obstacles on your path.
Obstacles can look like people, places or situations that do not serve you on your path. They can also look like deep rooted subconscious beliefs that limit you from taking the action you desire.
When we feel any sort of resistance, stagnancy or lack of progress, often times our energetic path would benefit from a clearing. Sometimes the issue is not that we haven't "Created" enough. It is that we have some obstacles in the way that feel too confusing to overcome.
Yet, when we clear our path we allow for a newfound sense of peace, ease and inspiration to arrive. All of a sudden we receive clarity, things begin to make sense, and the puzzle pieces begin clicking in greater Harmony than before.
In this MASTERCLASS + Healing Circle I will guide you through...
*Connecting to you Higher Self in order to channel, ground and activate doormant energy and coding within our truest self
*An intuitive breathwork practice which will asisst in releasing any fear, lack, or other dense energy in your Auric Field and Emotional Body
*A Mirror Work Ritual to bring you back in connecting your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional selves into radiant Harmony
*A Ritual in honoring Ganesha, invoking her presence into your life to clear that which limits your potential and highest experience in order to move forward in clarity
*A Healing Circle exercise where you will feel deep support, connection and intimacy with our global circle, activating a light grid to hold you in your Divine Frequency
This is an immersive and transformative energetic experience to clear your path, remove obstacles, and support you on your journey of transformation, transition, and growth.
*A comfy quiet space
*A mirror (at least the size of your face)
*A glass of water
*Pen and paper/journal for reflection and breakthrough
*You receive an instant download to access where and when you desire
To a clear and cherished journey,