Who is this for?
The Radiant Reset is for anyone who is desiring to feel inspired, aligned and radiant again.
It is a 14 day guide that will absolutely transform you mentally, spiritually and physically.
It will take you beyond yourself deeper into your inner and outer worlds.
It will spark joy, inspiration and clarity in your life again.
It is for anyone at any part of their journey looking to embody a radiance that is based in true wellness of the Mind, Body & Soul.
how does it work?
Upon purchase, you will receive The Radiant Reset Guide and will be able to begin as soon as today.
Each day there are 3 "Focuses", guiding, or inviting, you to various, yet simple, spiritual, mental and physical practices.
These practices are elevated and unique yet kept simple in order to be able to be accessible by ANYONE ANYWHERE.
The Guide Includes:
14 days of elevated practices to take you beyond
4 of my personal meditations I practice myself and with clients
8 "Journal Sessions" that I use personally and with clients to create massive shifts, clarity, transformation and insight
This Guide will not only be something
that I N ST A N T L Y begins to transform your life, but this Guide gives you tools, practices and methods that you can continue to come back and use.
This small investment will yield returns beyond your wildest imagination.
Give yourself the gift of R A D I A N CE.