As we interact with others we form friendships, relationships, and ultimately energetic cords. These cords create an energy exchange with others. The closer these people are to us, the stronger these cords are - hence, influencing us the most.
In an ideal world, the energetic flow between us and those we care about would be perfectly balanced and harmonious. Yet, in our world today, energy can often times be chaotic, and in turn disruptive to our connections.
This meditation will allow you to heal, clear, and invoke the cords between you and your person of choice (can be any friendship or relationship that you feel some disruption between) in order to release any blockages, stop your energy from being drained, and allow an opportunity of transformation to occur.
This meditation is extremely powerful and can be done at times when you wish to heal various friendships/relationships. You can do this meditation daily if there is a specific relationship that is causing you pain and suffering that you would like to clear, heal, and release.
I now give you this meditation with love - knowing it will bring you clarity and peace.