ROOTS is a space of tapping into your infinite potential and allowing it to be unlocked fully into every area of your life.
It is about understanding your subconscious patterning, releasing trauma that lives in the body, and activating new codes into your energetic fields.
Most of us, at one point or another, live our lives unconsciously, simply reacting in each moment and flowing with the days without consciously Co-Creating.
Allowing life to pass us by, wondering how and why others have achieved what they have, wondering if there's something we don't know, and wondering if people really are as happy as they seem.
One day, we begin to tap into our potential, we begin to question things, and perhaps, for the first time in a long time... we begin to see the world in a new light.
The life you are currently living now is a concoction of your beliefs, your ego's desires, and the things you have accepted as part of the "you" character you play here on Earth.
Yet, you know there is more.
You know there is a life out there that feels like a movie...that inspires you to the core... that allows that inner child filled with giddiness to come out and play... a life where you have freedom, connection, impact, and community.
A life where you create value for others, and in turn, you are rewarded with ABUNDANCE in each area of your life.
This is why I've created ROOTS: a 6 Week Group Coaching Program designed to unlock your infinite potential and skyrocket you into authenticity, fulfillment, and a life of success in every imaginable way.
In these 6 weeks we will peel back the layers of you. We will release limiting beliefs, scarcity coding, and dense energy in the body that makes you feel stuck and stagnant.
We will begin to uncover the true YOU. The authentic version of you waiting to be expressed. The YOU that is thriving. The YOU that is sharing his/her gifts. The YOU that you came here to unleash.
We will heal the ROOTS of your Money and Relationship Patterns, releasing you from cycles that limit your opportunity and freedom.
We will get back to your ancestral ROOTS, healing the past, breaking unhealthy patterns, cycles, and energetic programs that exist within you.
We will clear the energetic body and restore it back to harmony... allowing peace, clarity and ease to fill your life as your Soul becomes your compass once again.
We will unlock your Infinite Potential and understand how to access this Energetic Vortex so that you can be a limitless Creator with the energy and stamina to bring your visions to life.
The YOU that you dream about, the YOU that you work towards, and the YOU that you see in others exists within the higher realms.
The timeline of that YOU exists in the here and now.
Yet, we must begin to access, embody, and anchor this YOU down into the ROOTS of this time-space reality.
In these 6 week not only will we...
*Heal Ancestral ROOTS
*Clear Past Trauma
*Release limiting beliefs
*Clear dense energy from our energetic fields
*Tap into our Infinite Potential Creation Vortex
*Access the desired YOU Timeline
*Anchor in the energetic imprint of the new YOU
*Begin Consciously Co-Creating with your Creation Vortex
*See your life transform and shift as you uncover more and more of your Soul, and get back to your ROOTS
This is truly a sacred container to work with me amongst other potent Creators. The Pure Magic you will tap into in this container will shift your World. The knowledge you will gain will assist you on your journey in powerful ways. The new Infinite YOU that you will access will be your bridge from desiring to having.
A condensed container of transformation, magnetism, joy, healing and activation.
This is your investment into YOU. Your investment into unlocking the YOU that exists beneath these layers. The YOU that you feel in moments of joy and excitement. The YOU that you came here to embody.
*Weekly Live Group Coaching 5-6 PM PST
*Full Recordings of each Group Coaching Session Included
Limited spots. Don't miss this IMMERSION, as I don't know when I will run it again.