This Ceremony is special in more ways than one.
It is a clearing of the past, a letting go of themes and emotions that no longer serve you, and instead have become limiting aspects in your World.
Clearing any densities in and around your field across all timelines and dimensions allows for karma to be easily disolved and integrated, lessons completed, and your evolution furthered.
Unhealthy attachments and beliefs will be transmuted, as we clear through our energetic centers, bring in more of our true essence, and begin to make our way forward.
We will then connect to our infinite potential timeline, bringing in energy, clarity, and abundance in beautiful ways. Planting our seeds and integrating our higher consciousness esssence into this 3D Realm allows for greater awareness, insight, and harmony in our day to day life.
Activating our 2021 year with divine love, blessings, and gratitude carves a path for us to energetically follow. A momentum of joy and ease allows for excitement to fill our Hearts, and a deep knowing to fill our Third Eye.
An awareness of who you are, what you are here to do, and the ways in which you can move forward become clearer than ever before.
A sense of support and ease hold you closely as you embark on a year of growth, success, and harmony.
You deserve it.
I will be leading you through a powerful Channeled Meditation / Activation, a Clearing Ritual, an ACTIVATION Ritual, and a group Energetic Rising Ritual.
All you need to do is bring yourself, create a comfy / quiet space for 1.5 hours, and allow the rest to simply flow.
*Pencil/Pen Required
*Journal/Piece of Paper Required
*Candle (optional) (colors: red, green or white)
*Flowers (a bouqet) (optional but suggested) (white, pink or yellow)
*Yours to download and access when and where you desire!
^Art by @TailoredArt